People Matter in Business
Don’t get lost in the crowd! Companies look for both technical and people skills when choosing candidates for projects or positions. The most sought-after people skills are professionalism, business etiquette, written and oral communication, interpersonal skills, and leadership. Our communication programs give you skills that add value to your organization and help you make your voice heard.
Workplace Etiquette
Etiquette still matters in business. In a workplace filled with stress and uncertainly, there’s one thing we know: business etiquette has as much value today as it did when we first started The Professional Edge, Inc. over 25 years ago. 80-90% of our waking hours are spent communicating with others, and maintaining a profitable relationship is a result of positive connections. Business etiquette is based on the criteria of kindness, efficiency, and logic. We can help you get a response to an email, lead a virtual or in-person meeting, network in a displaced workplace, leave a first and lasting impression, or simply understand the rules of business etiquette in a changing workplace.
Leadership Development
Whatever your definition of successful leadership is – and there are many – we can help you influence others and inspire them to act. We customize programs to help you understand your level of expertise in supervisory skills, help you lead through change, or facilitate your team to make a decision or solve a problem. We can also help you apply and use emotional intelligence to build your confidence, show authenticity and charisma, as well as understand and adapt to your team.
Presentation Skills
Command, connect, and close. Today’s audiences are hard to please, whether virtually or face-to-face, informally or formally. Each presentation you give is an opportunity for you to make a difference in your company and your career, and we can help you do that. We will help you think beyond what you’ve learned to do years ago to using new formats and ways of organizing information so you can hold the room (or a virtual meeting) with a compelling and engaging message when it’s your turn to speak. Our presentation skills programs also include train the trainer, facilitation techniques, virtual engagement, and persuasive team presentations.
The business meal is really a test. It’s a test to determine how organized you are and how much you pay attention to detail. And at the same time, others are also assessing your social savvy! The business breakfast, lunch, or dinner is a time-honored tradition to develop relationships with others and build trust. Whatever your position in an organization – successfully navigating your way through a meal will help build your resume. This “hands-on” program is a great way to ‘wine, dine’ and act fine’!
Individual Development
You see bumps in the road. We see ways to develop strengths and achieve goals. Whether virtually or in-person, you’ll discover a heightened level of awareness of communication effectiveness. We use a variety of assessment tools, including the DISC model and TRACOM’s Behavioral Styles concepts to give you an understanding of a variety of communication contexts and how to flex your communication style to build your professional and personal effectiveness.
Managing the Media
Entire companies and individual careers can crash with one wrong soundbite. Our customizable program handles the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of media communications. We take you through how to develop (and stick) to effective messaging, manage challenging or surprise questions, avoid the dreaded "no comment," and project confidence by looking and sounding your best on camera. Built on two decades of personal experience in television news, this program includes activities offering immediate feedback and improvements.